22 October 1877 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, correspondence card: CU-MARK, UCCL 01490)
Monday, P.M.
Dear Charley: My wife has plunged me into an abyss of genuine remorse, by saying, “What! didn’t you go to the station with Mr. Stoddard?” I said, “You know I only go when there are ladies, or when the gentlemen do not know the way.” “She said, “But this is such a dismal day. It is so forlorn to send anybody away alone.” I realized it in an instant & I have felt like a brute ever since—but I do assure you my conduct was innocent & only heedless—but it was hellish, nevertheless. Now you promise me to come again & give me one more chance. Will you?
Yrs Ever
We all thoroughly enjoyed your visit, my boy—all the tribe of us.
Previous publication:
Christie’s catalog, 21–22 February 1989, Part V, lot
1772, excerpts; Sotheby’s catalog, 29 October 1996, no. 6904, lot
268, excerpts; MicroPUL, reel 1.
Provenance:The MS was offered for sale in 1942 by City Book Auction catalog, 27–28 March 1942, no. 190, lot 247. Sometime
afterwards, it became part of the Estelle Doheny Collection at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, California. When the
Doheny Collection was sold in 1989, Victor and Irene Murr Jacobs purchased the MS from Christie’s and sold it through Sotheby’s in 1996