[slc/mt] farmington avenue, hartford.
Sept. 22/77.
[newspaper clipping pasted to MS; simulated line by line:]
The publication of Mark Twain’s interesting |
Sir: I am very sorry to discover that that vessel is not in any trouble, but has really been to Boston & is now seeking Savannah. I naturally feel humiliated, sir, in the by the safety of these people, although I feel that I am in no wise responsible for it.2
Still, I hasten to apologize for having troubled you, sir, with anything connected with these shameful people.
With great respect,
Samℓ. L. Clemens
The Hon. The Secretaryof the Treasury.
[letter docketed:] 898 a/22 [and] C. 190 vol 20 RM. [and] 1 clipping RM3
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
The letter was stamped “treasury department received sep 24 1877” and filed with the following description:
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 1.
Emendations and textual notes:
slc/mt • [possibly ‘slc/mt’; obscured by clipping, but probably visible to recipient]
information [with] re- • [one word, probably ‘with,’ failed to print]
developes • [sic]
Smith • S[◊◊]th [damaged]