sold toS. L. Clemens Esq
by geo. p. bissell & co., bankers,
307 main street, hartford, Aug 17 1877
terms cash.
Sylvester Johnson Bond | 4000 |
int 4ds | 3 52 |
———— | |
Chs in ofc | 4,003 52 |
——————————————— | |
Bonds in our vault for you |
G. P. Bsl
Mr. Perkins, do as you please with these bonds. Perhaps you may prefer to put them with our others.1
Explanatory Notes
The Bissell company, which had sent this bank statement to Clemens (who now
forwarded it to Perkins with his instructions), accompanied it with the following
letter (CtHMTH):
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 1.
See Perkins Collection in Description of Provenance.