Elmira, N.Y. Aug. 7.
My Dear Millet:
Your letter was mighty welcome1—& as coincidences never cease in this world of chance, we received one by the same mail from your brother-in-law in the Boston Custom House.2
We have just read of the big battle, whose name begins with a V.,3 & I write, now with the gravity becoming a person who is possibly addressing himself to a corpse. I have written to corpses, before, unwittingly, but I find a peculiar grandeur in addressing a corpse that may be decorating a field of battle.
There was a time when I would have liked to be there with you & Forbes, Macgahan, & Jackson,4 but that time has gone by. I haven’t done any corresponding since I went to Ostend to receive the Shah & the Herald folks rung some very vile & offensive sentences into my account of that matter.5
We are all extravagantly well, & all send love to our old friend mouldering among the other decaying heroes upon the field of blood. Bay does some gaudy recitations, now, & Susie grows musical apace. Neither of them has forgotten you.
The play of “Ah Sin” which Bret Harte & I had just finished when you came to our house, was produced at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, New York, a week ago, & was received with great enthusiasm by a large & brilliant audience. I made a speech, among other things. The weather is very hot, but the play draws like a blister, nevertheless. I’ve just finished another play. It has some good points in it; but I shan’t bring it out for some months yet—maybe a year. It won’t hurt to let it ripen under correction.
Joaquin Miller has written a play, which is to be produced at Wood’s Museum, New York, the 27th of this month. I’ve forgotten the name of it.6
Howells has written a play for Lawrence Barrett. Howells made good pecuniary terms with him, & Barrett says is vastly pleased with the play.7
Petroleum V. Nasby wanted me to write a play with him, but I didn’t believe we’d amount to anything together, & I see by the papers he has got another collaborateur.8 All the world’s a stage & everybody is writing plays for it.
I never hear of Prentice Mulford now-a-days. Bierce is in San Francisco.9
Mrs. Clemens says please don’t fail to send your photograph according to promise. We recognize the “famille de coeur”—& there’s no lie about that, in your case, depend upon it.
Charley Stoddard hasn’t turned up yet. So I suppose he must still be on the other side.10
Well, good fortune & God be with you!
Ever Yours
S. L. Clemens
To the Remains of our friend the
late Frank Millet,
Care of the Vultures.
Explanatory Notes
After his stay in Hartford in January 1877, when he painted Clemens’s portrait,
Millet went to France, establishing his studio in Paris (17 Jan 1877 to Boyesen).
Clemens replied to his letter of 9 June, in which he explained his decision, in late May,
to accept a position as correspondent for the New York Herald, reporting from
Bucharest on the Russo-Turkish War. The letters he mentioned—his “first letter from
Paris” and Clemens’s “answer”—have not been found. Millet wrote (CU-MARK): Millet’s “little circus friend” was a Hungarian acrobat, one of his studio models, who
had gone to join the Turkish army (Patton 2014, 224). Edward King (1848–96), an
American writer of travel memoirs, novels, and poetry, lived in Paris and
corresponded for several newspapers, primarily the Boston Journal, before being
assigned to report on the war. The words “Tick! tick!” refer to Millet’s visit to
Hartford in January 1877. Susie Clemens had composed a letter to him, recorded by Olivia in March: “Papa teached me that tick, tick—my Grandfathers clock was too
large for the shelf so it stood 90 years on the floor. Mr Millett is that the same clock
that is in your picture” (FamSk, 61). For the other people Millet mentions, see the
notes below.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 1.