The Farm,
Elmira, June 14. 1877
My Dear Howells:
Good for you. There are no better terms than those you got, except an equal division of profits—& the latter method costs a body $2000 a year for an agent’s salary & expenses & is more wear & tear & trouble than keeping hotel.
Yes, autumn October suits me for these sketches. Shall send you the first two numbers tomorrow. I revised them to-day, & began No. 3. Isn’t there some Montreal magazine I can sell or give them to, & thus beat Belford Bros., thieves, of Toronto?
Sell the type-writer for $20? Yes. Do not lose this opportunity of swindling that reptile. I didn’t lend you that thing; I gave it to you because you had been doing me some offense or other, & there seemed no other way to avenge myself; but I am placable now & am willing to take $10, you to take the other ten for commission, bother, express-expenses &c. Let us compromise on that.
We had to remain at Mother’s in Elmira until yesterday, to let our youngest have a run of fever & get back her strength. But we are housed here on top of the hill, now, where it is always cool, & still, & reposeful & bewitching.
The love of we’uns unto you’umsns.
Yrs Ever