28 October 1876 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, correspondence cards: NNC, UCCL 01383)
Hartford, Oct. 28.
My Dear Mrs. Conway: Just as we were in the turmoil of leaving Elmira, nearly 2 months ago, I received a letter from you referring to Chatto & the electrotype plates, & showing that you were a little bothered or discomforted about that business. It struck me all of a heap, about 5 minutes ago, that I surely had never answered that letter.1 I am a brute, & I hope you will forgive me. You know a person is always half-consciously answering a letter, in his own mind, while he is reading it. Then if he puts it out of his sight for a day, woe be to him, for he will imagine he has answered it. I know the gist of my answer to you, but I can’t remember putting it on paper. To-wit: That the fact that my estimate of cost of plates was not received, relieves us all from blame, & neither you nor Mr. Conway must allow yourselves a single annoying thought or one moment of discomfort about the matter.
As to Chatto, his case is simple & easy. I will pay Bliss for the plates, & if they are worth re-shipping home, we’ll do it. If not, we won’t. And moreover, I shan’t have any hard feelings toward Chatto. I couldn’t afford it at that price.2
I feel like a scoundrel of the blackest dye, Mrs. Conway; & I am coming to England (in April, Mrs. Clemens puts it,) within the entire family—mainly to apologize to you & Mr. Conway.3 One can’t do these things to one’s satisfaction in a letter. Pray suspend judgment till then. And accept, now, my high appreciation & gratitude for the trouble you both have taken with my matters over there.
Truly Yrs
S. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes
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MicroPUL, reel 1.
Provenance:The Conway Papers were acquired by NNC sometime after Conway’s death in