Oct. 5.
Dr Sir:
If I thought the enclosed piece could live a week, I would attack it at once. Have read the MS—it is inconceivably wretched. It is made up of paragraphs taken bodily from my various books, & idiotically strung together upon the thin thread of a silly love tale.1
Would you advise me to go to the expense of putting on an injunction now, or would you wait till the fate of the abortion is determined?
The assessor has sent me no tax list—I understood you to say he would send one to all tax-payers in October. How am I to get it?2
Ck for $233 (Cincinnati,) rec’d.3
Yrs Truly
S L Clemens
Explanatory Notes
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 1.
Provenance:See Perkins Collection in Description of Provenance.