Hartford, Sept. 20/76
My Dear Stoddard:
We have returned from a 3-months’ absence & find your letter here. I wish I could do what you ask, but I can’t because of constracts & obligations which will absorb every penny for as much as a year to come. I went to Bliss, my publisher, to see if he could do anything, but he shook his head—says he has got more books than customers, & doesn’t want any more of the former. You see I talk plainly, as you ask me to do.—so I know you will take no offense. This recent bust-up in ‸the‸ coal trade hists us pretty hard. My wife’s whole fortune is in coal, & so her income utterly ceases for the next five or six months to come.1 W
I haven’t issued Tom Sawyer here, yet—am waiting for a livelier market. Shall issue right after the Presidential election. Look here; let me suggest something. Hayes will be elected; Hayes has strong literary taste & appreciation; Howells has written Hayes’s biography for campaign purposes;2 Mrs. Howells is Hayes’s own cousin. Suppose you write to me or to Howells & say you want a consulship somewhere, & let us try & see if we can’t manage it. Good men are going to be retained in their consulships, if Grant, through thoughtlessness has appointed any such; but bad ones will be turned out & vacancies ‸be‸ thereby created. If Howells & I got in an early application, we might capture one of those vacancies. If you like the idea, drop us a line. You might mention consulships which you would prefer, but say you’ll take whatever opens up.
You must remember my wife & I ‸me‸ very lovingly to all those excellent Hardys when you write or see them.3
Ys Ever
Explanatory Notes
Previous publication:Goodspeed’s catalog, unknown date, partial publication; Davis
1950, 2.
Provenance:Opened in 1916, OFH preserves President Rutherford B. Hayes’s
“12,000 volume personal library along with archival material from his military and political career, particularly his
presidency, 1877–1881.”