‸Hartford June 14/76.‸
I am a long time answering your letter, my dear Miss Harriet, but then you must remember that it is an equally long time since I received it—so that makes us even, & nobody to blame on either side.
I would send you Mr. Warner’s autograph but I haven’t one, & he is in Europe or else at sea on his way home.1
Truly Yrs
S. L. Clemens. Mark Twain
Explanatory Notes
Miss Harriet has not been identified. Charles Dudley Warner and his wife, Susan,
returned to Hartford on 1 July, after twenty-one months in Europe and the Near East (see 1 Jan 1876 to Howells, n. 1).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 1.
Deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 15 May 1962.