31? May 1876 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS and transcript: CLU-SC and Wright 1876, p. i, UCCL 01337)
Friend Bliss—
Will this do for an introductory page for Dan’s book?1
S. L. C
One easily gets a surface-knowledge of any remote country, through the writings of travellers. The inner life of such a country is not very often presented to the reader. The outside of a strange house is interesting, but the people, the life, [&] the furniture inside, are far more so.
Nevada is peculiarly a surface-known country, for no one has written of that land who had lived long there [&] made himself competent to furnish an inside view to the public. I think the present volume supplies this defect in an eminently satisfactory way. The writer of it has spent sixteen years in the heart of the silver-mining region, as one of the editors of the principal daily newspaper of Nevada; he is thoroughly acquainted with his subject, [&] wields a practiced pen.2 He is a gentleman of character [&] reliability. Certain of us who have known him personally during half a generation are well able to testify in this regard.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Previous publication:Anderson Galleries catalog, 10–11 November 1924, no. 1873, lot 225, paraphrase; MicroPUL, reel 1.
Provenance:Collection of William Harris Arnold, offered for sale by Anderson Galleries in November 1924.
Emendations and textual notes:
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& • and
& • and
& • and
Mark Twain • MARK TWAIN
Hartford • Hartford