Hartford, May 5.
My Dear Conway:1
Bliss says he will [rush] the pictures the tightest he can, & believes he can have them ready for shipment by May 14. Better call it May 30—& even then it will be the nearest he ever came to being on time with his word.
I’ve been playing Peter Spyk in “ tThe Loan of a Lover” (I re-wrote the part, stupefying it a little more & making it unconsciously sarcastic in spots,) & we made a considerable success of it. Been invited to perform in New York, but declined, of course.
Read Smalley’s letter yesterday, & envied you your seat at the “Queen Mary” opening. It must have been a great occasion.2
Susie escaped death by a hair last week. Diphtheria, of the worst form. She is well, now. Do not remember whether I sent you the new picture of the children—so I will enclose one. If you already have one, give this one to Mrs. Smalley, if she will take it. My own portrait came near appearing, in the right hand corner. I was behind a curtain, hi holding the children’s heads.
James T. Fields will be here in a moment—he lectures to-night—so I will prepare to receive him.3
Goodbye—regards to you both.
Ys Truly
S. L. Clemens
[enclosure:] 4
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
For Conway’s “first long letter,” see 9 Apr 76 to Conway, n. 1; for Clemens’s telegram, see 16 Apr 76 to Conway. In a letter not known to survive, Clemens evidently asked Conway to inquire about
English copyright on the Gilded Age play (also called Colonel Sellers), which John T. Raymond eventually took to London
(L6, 216 n. 1).
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 1.
Provenance:The Conway Papers were acquired by NNC sometime after Conway’s
death in 1907.
Emendations and textual notes:
rush • rus rush [corrected miswriting]