Hartford May 4.
My Dear Daly:1
One of these days, some where in the future, I may surprise & grieve you by reminding you of that invitation, & proposing to revive it; but I mean to have the modesty to serve a decent apprenticeship before I make such a lofty venture.
I never tried the stage before; but by [rewriting] Peter Spyk, I managed to change the language & the character to a degree that enabled me to talk the one & represent the other after a fashion—but I am not equal to the metropolitan boards yet.
Ys sincerely
Samℓ. L. Clemens
But mind, I thank you for the compliment of the invitation, anyway.2
[letter docketed:] Samℓ L. Clemens | [rule]
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Clemens answered the following letter (CU-MARK): On Daly’s envelope Clemens noted: “Augustin Daly
asks me to play Peter Spyk in N.Y.”
Daly replied, on the same Fifth Avenue Theatre letterhead (CU-MARK): On the envelope of this letter Clemens merely noted: “5th Ave.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
Daly 1917, 146.
Emendations and textual notes:
rewriting • re- | writing