26 February 1877 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, postal card: MH-H, UCCL 01311)
Hartford 26th
Good! I’ll be at the station about 2.30, P.M., March 3d, to fetch you. We are all sorry Mrs. Howells cannot come with you. That [sideboard] which you & I ordered in Boston leaves there to-day. I’ve got a project for a summer’s holiday with you if you can go. I’ve written a little short Atlantic article, but I don’t believe you’ll dare to print it. However, I’ll send it for inspection by & by.
us postal card. write the address on this side—the message on the other | W. D. Howells, Esq | 37 Concord ave | Cambridge | Mass. [postmarked:] hartford conn. feb 26 6pm