Hartford, Conn.,
Oct. 27.
My Dear Mr. Flower:
I am very glad indeed to see that the Memorial is prospering so [well.1 Under] any other condition of things, I know America would contribute largely, but now it is nearly impossible to get the people to part with a penny they can cling to. Business is utterly prostrate, thousands of men are without employment, & money is distressingly scarce.2 I hope to be able to confer a Memorial Governorship upon myself some day, but haven’t dared to think of it these times.3 We started to buy land & build a house, all for six thousand pounds; ‸but‸ when we were with you we were aware that the ground had already cost £6,000 & the mere unroofed brick shell of the house £3,600 more. So we didn’t even venture to subscribe £5 to the American window in Shakspeare church! We did feel so poor! Up to to-day our house, grounds & furniture have cost twenty-three thousand pounds & the confounded place isn’t finished yet! There is only one comfort about it all; & that is the reflection that if the house were going to be built over again, we would build it exactly the same way. We are not conscious of a single regret—& that is something.
I have sent the Memorial documents to the press for publication.
I enclose my picture for your father & beg him to send me his.4 He is my English John Brown.
Truly Yrs,
S. L. Clemens
P. S. Kindly remember us to Mrs. Flower & your father & brothers’ families.5 We expect to go to England next spring—we gratefully remember that England & the sea were the best physicians Mrs. Clemens ever had.6
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 575–576.
Provenance:purchased in 1924 by businessman and collector Henry Clay Folger
(1857–1930) from Maggs Bros., London.
Emendations and textual notes:
well. Under • well.—|Under