Newport, 16th.
My Dear Osgood:
You see, per enclosed, that Gill, the infernal thief, is still advertising my name in his book. How is this?1
Yrs Truly
S. L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes
The Treasure Trove Series.
The Choicest Humor by the great writers. Edited by R. H. Stoddard. Vol.
i, Burlesque. Comprising the
choicest humor of Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, G. W. Curtis,
Arthur Sketchley, F. C. Burnand, Charles Lamb, Washington
Irving, and others. Cloth, Square 16mo, $1.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 524–525.
Provenance:The Henry M. Rogers and Kathleen Rogers Collection was donated in 1930.