Hartford July 13.
My Dear Osgood:
Do you see this puppy’s drift? I enclose a reply, which couple of replies to his letter. Let the attorney send either or neither to Gill. If he thinks mine of June 8th (herewith enclosed) covers the whole ground, —all right—use his own judgment.1
If Gill uses my matter without printing my name anywhere in his book he will do himself no good & me no serious harm—& neither will he be violating [trademark], I suppose.
But what he is really up to, I imagine, is to use my name inside the book but not on the cover.2
Say—the man is a natural deceiver. The [tittle] of his series shows it: Treasure Trove means treasure found, I think—whereas his is more properly Treasure Stolen & ought to be so styled. Damn a man who will lie so wantonly.
Ys Ever
S. L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 511–512; MTLP, 89.
Provenance:The Henry M. Rogers and Kathleen Rogers Collection was donated in 1930.
Emendations and textual notes:
trademark • trade-|mark
tittle • [sic]