Hartford, June 7.
My Dear Howells:
By all means come! Be sure to come! You speak in the s first person singular number; do double it, if within the possibilities, & bring Mrs. Howells with you.1 Take the fast train which leaves Boston about ten o’clock & here you are at luncheon almost before you think you’ve started! Mrs. Howells will feel hardly any fatigue.2
I’ll have the letter shipped to Warner.3
Bless me, I understood you to say you had announced me for August—& so I have carried the nightmare of having to re-chew that odious chapter, ever since! If you haven’t announced it much, couldn’t you just let on that you didn’t mean it? I am proposing to take hold of the thing [today] or tomorrow—but it is so hard to pump up a new interest in what one has written once & dismissed from his mind.4
I think that that music is lovely. Mr. Potter was here when it came, & he sat down at the piano & played & sang it—& his is a noble voice. Next I want to get Rev. Mr. Parker here & have him sing it for me.5
I am a splendid ass! Upon referring to your former letter I peceive that you ask me to telegraph, [ y ] so that you can stop the announcement of the August number. I am unutterably stupid. Now I will go ahead & finish the article without another wriggle.6
I am ever so grateful to you & to Mr. Booth for that music. Mr. Potter liked it exceedingly, & sang it several times. He spoke as if he knew Mr. Booth—which is very likely, for Potter is a composer of music, himself.7
For two days the weather has been swelling around, threatening [ to ] big things, but I could put the result in a tin dipper & not crou wd it.
Ys Ever
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 492–94; MTHL, 1:85–87.
Provenance:see Howells Letters in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
today • to-|day [within canceled paragraph]
y • [partly formed]
to • [‘o’ doubtful]