Hartford, Apl. 22.
My Dear Mr. Sage:
I should have written before this to make my thanks to you & Mrs. Sage for what was simply a perfect visit.1 There is no stronger term in the dictionary than that, I believe, & a weaker one would not describe the good time we had. The reason I now have not testified my appreciation sooner, is, that I found a telegram here from Mr. Howells when I got back, asking for [the] June article (which I supposed was already in his hands)2—so I was busy enough for two men (though it was a mere matter of revising, & re-writing passages & paragraphs,) up to my leaving for Boston on Saturday.
Twichell & I were to do the Centennial together; but he had a remorseful streak after his loose career & indecent conversation in Brooklyn & while under the spell of it he concluded to stay at his post on Sunday. He preached twice that day, left here at [midnight], took an early breakfast in Boston, infested Concord & Lexington all day & reached Hartford after [midnight] that night, so as to be on hand early next day—for he had an opportunity to bury a Chinaman with some Congregational orgies & would h not have missed it for the world.3
Howells & I fooled around all day & never got to the E Centennial at all, though we made forty idiotic attempts to accomplish it. As our failures multiplied he strongly recalled your Indians to me & I kept observing to myself that he was a “dam fool.” I learned afterward that he was clandestinely making the same remark about me all the time—& if you could have heard his wife ridicule us when we got home, you would have judged that each of us “in his rude untutored way, had approximated the truth.”
Which reminds me that Howells had not yet read your MS., but was enjoying a lively hope that it would fill an aching void in the Atlantic which he has long been praying might be supplied by somebody who could write about wood & water sports without being dreary.4
Mrs. Clemens joins me in cordial remembrances & regards to you & Mrs. Sage, & she hopes you will ignore those Twichells & give us a visit the next time you can get away from home—& I heartily hope the same. With kindest remembrances to your father’s & brother’s households,5 I am
Yrs Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
On one occasion when Peter had made several futile
attempts to gaff a fish, André, who was standing near me,
remarked as though to himself, “Peter dam
fool.” Not five minutes later André, despite
my remonstrances, allowed the canoe to drop down directly through a
part of the pool where we had seen a fish jump, when Peter, turning
around to me, said in a whisper, “Dat André
dam fool.” Both, in their rude, untutored way, had
approximated to the truth. (Sage, 147)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 452–454.
Provenance:previously owned by Mrs. Meredith Hare and later by Sidney L. Krauss, Mrs.
Craven’s father.
Emendations and textual notes:
midnight • mid-|night
midnight • mid-|night