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Add to My CitationsTo Ralph Waldo Emerson;
duplicate letters sent to
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Oliver Wendell Holmes
27 December 1877 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: MH-H, UCCL 01184)
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Hartford, Thurdsday, 27th

To Mr. Emerson, Mr. Lonfgfellow, & Dr. Holmes:

Gentlemen: I come before you, now, with the mien & posture of the guilty—not to excuse, gloss, or extenuate, but only to offer my repentance. If a man with a fine nature had done that thing which I did, it would have been a crime—because all his senses would have warned him against it beforehand; but I did it innocently & unwarned. I did it as a innocently as I ever did anything. You will think it is incredible; but it is true, & Mr. Howells will confirm my words. He does not know how it can be true, & neither does any one who is incapable of trespassing as I did; yet he knows it is true. But when I perceived what it was that I had done, I felt as real a sorrow & suffered as shap sharp a mortification as if I had done it with a guilty intent. This continues. That the impulse was innocent, brings no abatement. As to my wife’s distress, it is not to be measured; for she is of finer stuff than I; & yours were sacred names to her. We do not talk about this misfortune—it scorches; so we only think—and think.

I will end, now. I had to write you, for the easement of it, even though the doing it might maybe be a further offense. But I do not ask you to forgive what I did that night, for it is not forgivable; I simply had it at heart to ask you to believe that I am only heedlessly a savage, not premeditatedly; & that I am under as severe punishment as even you could adjudge to me if you were required to appoint my penalty. I do not ask you to say one word in answer to this; it is not needful, & would of course be distasteful & difficutlt. I beg you to consider that in letting me unbosom myself you will do me an act of grace that will be sufficient in itself. I wanted to write such a letter as this, that next morning in Boston, but one of wiser judgment advised against it, & said Wait.

With great & sincere respect

I am

Truly Yours
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MS, MH-H, shelf mark bMS Am 1280 (660).

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph Smith 1955, plates 2–4 following 156, 164, facsimile and transcript; Smith 1962, 99–100; MicroPUL, reel 1.