charles e. perkins, attorney and counsellor at law, 14½ state street,
hartford, conn., Friday 187
Livy darling, I told Margaret about the cherries.1 Telegraphed Mr Potter & he came from Boston & we have talked over everything that needed talking. I have reminded Garvey to obey Potter’s orders. Have blown up Mr. McCray & told him not to offend again by taking orders from anybody but Mr. Potter.2
Small processions of people continue to rove through the house all the time. You may look at the house or the grounds from any point of view you choose, & they are simply exquisite. It is a quiet, murmurous, enchanting poem done in the solid elements of nature. The house & the barn do not seem to have been set up on the grassy slopes & levels by laws & plans & specifications—it seems as if they grew up out of the ground & were part & parcel of Nature’s handiwork. The harmony of size, shape, color, —everything—is harmonious. It is a home—& the word never had so much meaning before. The money actually expended [on ] ‸grounds, architect, &‸ house & barn, ‸ & groun ‸ thus far, is [ $31 $40,000 ] 3 (and the grounds). ‸ & the architect) ‸ —Mr. Goodwin’s palace hast cost $250,000; & I would be $250,000, & he is worth several millions; but I would be sincerely & honestly sorry to if we had to swap houses & fortunes [with ] him. You will say the same.4
The house will be lovely inside, of course, & we shall live inside, but we shall be forever looking out of the windows.
You have passed $47,000 through Perkins’ hands, but [ ha he ] has paid bills of many kinds out of it; but the money actually paid on house, grounds, barn & architect is only $40‸,000‸ & he has about $3,000 still in bank. They all say that Without consulting us Mr. Potter has modified his original plans in many places & reduced the expense in every way he could. Everybody is charmed with the house.
But I enter into no descriptive details, & I don’t want to. I want your own eyes to furnish your impressions.
Margaret & Kate5 are charmed with Patrick. He puts in every moment helping the men in the heaviest work (I have been noticing) & Margaret says if he finds a man loafing he puts him to work. & “talks back” when he grumbles.
Our mulberry tree is flourishing6 —so are the flowers, [ Pat ] & also a wonderful ivy that has been made to follow the old rough fence 12 feet in 3 luxurious strands—not an imperfect leaf on it.
Mrs. Perkins had a bad miscarriage, but is recovering fast.
I love you my darling.
I do hope the poor Modoc is well again—I’ll be kind to her next time she is unwell & refractory.
[in ink:] Mrs. Samℓ L. Clemens |H Elmira | N. Y. [return address:] return to box 671, hartford, conn., if not delivered within [3] days. [postmarked:] hartford [conn. jul]
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
The storm on Monday, 29 June, drew passing notice from the Elmira Advertiser of 1 July:
“In Monday’s storm which swept over the country, the wind sometimes registered a velocity of ninety miles an
hour” (untitled column, 1). Among those Olivia mentioned were: Susan and Theodore Crane, her sister and brother-in-law;
Jervis Langdon, her late father; Alice (Allie) Spaulding, her close Elmira friend and Clara’s sister; Rosina Hay,
Susy’s nursemaid (see 4 Sept 74 to Brown, n.
8); William E. Hay, evidently Rosina’s brother, listed in the Hartford directory as a
“hairdresser” (Geer: 1873, 77; 1874, 80); and Mary Ann Cord, the source and subject of Clemens’s dialect sketch
“A True Story” (see 2 Sept 74 to Howells,
n. 2). The book Olivia alluded to was the Memoir and Letters of Sara Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Coleridge’s daughter, published in London and New York in October 1873 (the American edition is dated 1874 on the title
page). It is not known which edition she owned. The passage she quoted was from a letter that Sara Coleridge wrote in October 1833 to
her husband and cousin, Henry Nelson Coleridge (Coleridge, 57, 59, 74; Gribben, 1:153; “New Publications,” New
York Times, 22 Oct 73, 2; OLC to MEC, 11 and 14 Jan 74, NPV; L5, 641 n. 4). Of Susy’s tantrums, Clemens remarked in 1876: From early babyhood until she was 3½ years old, she was addicted to sudden & raging
tempests of passion. Coaxing was tried; reasoning was tried; diversion was tried; even bribery; also, deprivations of various kinds;
also captivity in a corner; in fact, everything was tried that ever had been tried with any
child—but all to no purpose. Indeed the storms grew more frequent. At last we dropped every feature of the system utterly
& resorted to flogging. Since that day there has never been a better child. We had to whip her once a day, at first; then
three times a week; then twice, then once a week; then twice a month. She is nearly 4½ years old, now, & I
have only touched her once in the last 3 months. “Spare the rod & spoil the child” was well
said.—& not by an amateur, I judge. (SLC
1876–85, 2) Olivia wrote her second letter on 1 July: Among those Olivia mentioned were Nook Farm neighbor Mary Hooker Burton, daughter of John and Isabella Beecher
Hooker and wife of lawyer Henry Eugene Burton, and Margaret Cosgrave, the Clemenses’ cook. Clemens was not able to return
to Elmira on Saturday, 4 July, as Olivia hoped. His return may have been speeded, however, by the following letter from Theodore
Crane, directed to the St. Nicholas Hotel in New York, where Clemens registered on 4 July and the letter arrived on 5 July (CU-MARK): Clemens returned to Elmira on Tuesday, 7 July (L5, 19–20 n. 4; Schwinn, 1:41; “Personal Intelligence,” New York Herald,
5 July 74, 6; “Morning Arrivals,” New York Evening Express, 6 July 74, 3; 8 July 74 to Aldrich).
one of the most extensive private houses in the city, and one of marked architectural
importance. . . . It is constructed of Westerly granite with rock-face ashlar, the finish being of
the same material dressed and relieved by belts and courses of rose granite. The design is Gothic, and all the details are carefully
executed. A characteristic feature of the principal floor plan is the wide hall, forty-five feet in length, extending entirely
through the house from east to west, and displaying midway upon one of the side walls a lofty hooded fireplace built of Ohio stone
enriched by carving. The stable and coachman’s quarters are so connected with the main building as to form part in the
same general design. The prominent feature of the house is a square tower finished at its upper portion in timber-work. (Trumbull,
1:476, 511–12, 666–67)
I brought her home & set the experts to work on her. They tried her in a green house, but she
wouldn’t go; they tried her in the back yard; in the front yard; in the stable; in the cellar, on top of the house; in
the kitchen; in bed—everywhere, dear, sir, but she was calm, she was indifferent, she gave no sign. We even set her in
that apartment of ours which we call the “department of household expenses”; but even there, by a superhuman
struggle, she made out ‸to‸ not to grow. We tried different kinds of earth—all the different kinds
there are, sending to the remote islands of the sea & the far lands of the globe for supplies; but they roused no more
emotion in her than prayer would in a cat. We fed her with common manure; with guano; with ashes, hair restorative, gold filings,
milk breast milk, cow’s milk, condensed milk, imperial granum, whale oil, whisky,
Pond’s Extract, blue mass, vasiline, kerosene, Epsom salts, government bonds—in fact everything in the nature
of a persuader that could be thought of; but it was of no use; she still slumbered on, holding along all aloft her stiff
little limbs, as leafless & expressionless as those of a dead daddylonglegs. But mind you, she was not dead; no, during
all that time she had never once been dead; during all those months & years of rebellion against nature &
constituted authority, she was clandestinely alive. Yes, every June she would put out five or six pallid little buds, about the size
of seed pearls, & leave them so till we had called witnesses & verified the fact, then she would take them in
again & save them for next year. (SLC 1880, 5–8) Clemens called this recalcitrant tree “the wayward child of Shakspeare.” The mulberry that
Shakespeare reportedly planted at New Place, his final home in Stratford, was cut down in 1756, however. The slip Clemens brought
back was probably from another tree at New Place, alleged to be from a cutting from the original mulberry (Trewin, 33–34; Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 2000).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 173–77; Christie 1991, lot 189, excerpts.
Provenance:Chester L. Davis, Sr., probably acquired the MS from Clara Clemens Samossoud sometime between 1949 and 1962 (see Samossoud
Collection in Description of Provenance). After his death in 1987, the MS was owned by Chester L. Davis, Jr., who sold it through
Christie’s in December 1991. In 1999 the MS was owned by Nick Karanovich, who provided a photocopy to the Mark Twain
Emendations and textual notes:
on • [possibly ‘& on’]
$31 $40,000 • $3140,000 [possibly ‘$31‸40,‸000’]
with • with-
ha he • hae
Pat • Pat- |
3 • [circled in pencil, probably by SLC]
conn. jul • [] jul [ ] [badly inked; number of characters doubtful]