Elmira, June 28.
Dear Miss Anna:1
I’ve written the introductory letters (Livy reading & admiring the same) & they are gone to the following addresses:
Frank D. Finlay, editor Northern Whig, [ R ] 4 Royal Terrace, Belfast.
Dr. John Brown, (author of “Rab & His Friends”) 23 Rutland st., Edinburgh.
Rev. George MacDonald, The Retreat, Hammersmith, London.
Sir Thomas & Lady Hardy, 35 North Bank, Regent’s Park, London, W.
‸(No lummuxes among these.)‸
When you get over, pray drop your card through the post to these parties. You more nee particularly need to know Geo. W. Smalley & wife ‸8 Chester Place, Hyde Park Square, W.‸ than anybody else over there, but forty people whom you know can give you letters to them, & I don’t do it because I think maybe you already know them. Miss Kate Field should introduce you to Sir Chas. & Lady Dilke. Livy & I think they are lovely people, though we know them only slightly.2
Am just running up to Hartford, so am in a most desperate hurry & must not gossip longer.3
Ys sincerely
Samℓ L. Clemens.
Miss Anna Dickinson
1326 Arch st
Philadelphia. [postmarked:] elmira n. y. jun 28
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Dickinson was suffering poor health after completing an exhausting but largely unsuccessful lecture season. In the
spring of 1874, her candid talks on the “social evil” of prostitution, a subject considered inappropriate for
an unmarried woman, drew much criticism in the press. To heal her shattered nerves, her physician “advised complete rest
from labors of body or mind for at least a year and recommended that she go abroad to recover her strength” (Chester, 154–56). For the book she was writing and her negotiations
with Elisha Bliss, see 8–10 July 74 to Dickinson,
nn. 1, 2.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 169–70.
Emendations and textual notes:
R • [partly formed]