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Add to My Citations To William S. Andrews
28 March 1874 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: VtMiM, UCCL 01070)
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figure slc/mt em spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spacefarmington avenue, hartford.


My Dear Andrews:

Dialect is your forte, not logic, by [my ] my boy. You get up a painstaking & excellent argument to show that if it weren’t for me, {& it’s mighty complimentary, I grant you,} you couldn’t follow your lucrative lecturing, but would have to retire er from the platform.; that you use my stuff with happy effect & that it proves a kind of inexhaustible bank account to you. And then upon from that able argument you draw the curious deduction that all this places me in your debt! My God, what a light the law has lost in you, my boy!1

But chaff aside, old friend, I can’t do the thing you wish me to do. I am buried up to the eyes in work, & that work is standing still; for my wife is ill & has been for some little time; we have to deny ourselves & close the house against all visitors. I am just waiting & watching for a time when I may venture to remove my tribe to Elmira, N. Y., for the summer & get away from the cares & worries of housekeeping. When I do get to work again I shall know how to make the most of the minutes.

Hope to catch a glimpse of you at the Lotos as we pass through the city—as we hope to do within a [fortnight ] if the madam improves.2

Ys Ever

[ ] S. L. Clemens.


W. A Andrews Esq
Lotos Club
2 Irving Place
New York. [on flap:] figure slc/mt [postmarked:] [hartford ct. mar 28 6 pm]

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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1 Andrews’s standard lecture was “Dialect Humor,” which included readings from Clemens’s work. He occasionally asked Clemens for assistance in preparing his material (see L5, 208–9, 434–35).

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2 Clemens anticipated passing through New York City on the way to Elmira. Both he and Andrews were members of the Lotos Club (L5, 291–92).

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
MS, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont (VtMiM).

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L6, 95–96.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphpurchased from William F. Kelleher in April 1944.

glyphglyphEmendations and textual notes:glyph

my[‘y’ partly formed]

fortnight • fort-|night,

[partly formed character, possibly ‘p’]

hartford ct. mar 28 6pmwhite diamondwhite diamondwhite diamondwhite diamond ford ct. mar 28 6pm [badly inked]