Feb. 17, 1874.1
O. H. Oldroyd, Esq.
Certainly I will write you an autograph letter for your collection. And what is more (though please do not let the officers of the Asylum know that I said such a thing,) I believe that you are wickedly & unjustly confined there (that is, if they are rigorous with you,) for portions of your letter to me are quite rational; & I am satisfied that if you were put under mild & judicious treatment, you would get over it.2
With the most earnest sympathy for you in your great affliction, I am
Ys Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens
Mark Twain.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 37–38.
Provenance:purchased in 1932 from Mrs. Lida A. Oldroyd, along with the remainder of
Oldroyd’s Lincoln collection.