Jan. 31.
My Dear Redpath:
Sitting in church to-day, thinking (as usual) of everything but the sermon, I got to feeling ashamed of always making agreements with you & breaking them, & so I said to Mrs. Clemens afterward that if she could go to Boston for a day or two, some time, I would like to deliver & repeat ‸“Roughing It,”‸ or h do that once & the Sandwich Islands once— on consecutive nights or with a night intervening—simply to have you keep faith with the public1—& she a was entirely willing. So if you think it worthwhile we will do that; you to take Tremont Temple2 & choose dates to suit yourself, & you take 15 per cent of gross proceeds;3 or half gross on the Dolby plan; or half nett—just suit yourself. In fact I want you to suit yourself in all ways—for in this thing I am only trying to get back on good terms with my conscience for treating you so shabbily—a way in which I never would have treated you if my duty to my wife had not made it imperative.
Ys Ever
[letter docketed:] boston lyceum [bureau. james redpath. feb 6 1874 ] [and] Twain Mark | Hartford | Ct.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 24; Henkels 1903, lot 636, excerpt.
Provenance:The present location of the MS, offered for sale in 1903 as part of the
collection of Harold Pierce, is not known; the photocopy was donated to WU
in March 1943 by E. E. Moore.
Emendations and textual notes:
bureau. james redpath. feb 6 1874 • bureau [ ] feb 6 [] [badly inked; text adopted from 28 Feb 74 to Redpath]