per Charles Warren Stoddard
29 December 1873 • London, England
(MS: Jacobs, UCCL 01019)
Langham Hotel.
29 Dec
Dear Sir1
I went to Salisbury to spend Christmas and was persuaded to go on to Ventnor for a day.2 My friend3 told me I could get back to London in season to meet the engagement with you, but I found it impossible to do so and by this time it was too late to accomplish anything by telegraph.4 I will call tomorrow about noon and shall by very glad if I find you at home but if not I shall consider that I am properly punished.
With a thousand apologies—
Ys Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Tom Taylor, Esq
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 538–539; Sotheby 1964, lot 475, excerpt.
Provenance:The Jacobses owned the MS by 1967; they deposited their collection at ODaU in 1984.