The Langham Hotel
Dear Sir:
You have better things to think of & to do, & so I do not expect you to come to a lecture of mine—but still I wanted to send you the enclosed, ‸(you to fill the blanks)‸ just as I might say to any man, “What you have done has been a benefit, a pleasure, a luxury to me, & so what I am trying to t do now is only homage, & therefore ought not to be [offensive.[”] 1
But ]I never would have ventured to do this thing, but that I saw my friend Moncure D. Conway last night & he said, “Do it—he probably won’t come, but it’s an inoffensive way of expressing your ‸a body’s‸ appreciation—therefore do it.”
[ Ad And] so, with all respect, I “do it.” 2
Very Truly
‸Samℓ. L. Clemens‸
Mark Twain.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 519; Sotheby 1980, lot 363, facsimile of pages 3 and 4.
Provenance:The Jacobses purchased the MS from Sotheby’s in 1980; they
deposited their collection at ODaU in 1984.
Emendations and textual notes:
offensive.[”] [¶] But • offensive.—| [¶] But
Ad And • Adnd