The Langham Hotel
My Dear Mr. Brooks:
The fog got so thick, & so depleted my audiences, that I got [desperate. I ] can’t talk to thin houses; I would so cheerfully have paid half a crown to every man who would come—but I couldn’t say that, & so I had to talk, & go on suffering.
Then I thought maybe I was not advertised enough. So I wrote the accompanying squib—the one which is not in my handwriting—& sent it to all the morning dailies, hoping that maybe one out of the lot would print [it. But ]no—the first line was too plainly & sadly an advertisement, & then the gentle satirical vein—touching both the Prince & the people—was a thing they were a bit afraid of, I fancy.
It is no longer an advertisement, because my lecturing will be at an end a week & a day from now—& I have ‸just‸ written 10 pages of remarks purposely to get in, very quietly & unobtrusively, the fact that I mean no [disrespect ]to the Prince, & that I believe he would appreciate & smile at the joke as soon as anybody.
Still, you may not be favorably impressed, & if not, will you send it back to me? There is nothing but good-nature in it—so I could send it to America, & it would run there very well.1
Yrs Very Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 510–511.
Provenance:deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 17 December 1963.
Emendations and textual notes:
desperate. I • desperate.—|I
it. But • it.—|But
disrespect • disrespetct