10 and 17 November 1873 • SS City of Chester en route
from New York, N. Y., to Liverpool, England;
and Queenstown, Ireland
(MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 00982)
On Shipboard,
3 days out
from N. Y,
[ Liy Livy] darling, you really don’t know what a steamship is. The Batavia is 316 feet long. This ship is nearly 500. The great dining saloon is square, stretches from side to side of the vessel; has 8 tables in it (each seating only 14 people[)]; is brightly lighted by long rows of side-ports & by [skylights]; is elegantly “papered” with polished fancy wood. The two ends are just great mirrors framed in fluted columns of polished dark wood; there is a piano & elegant book cases; the ship does not rock & pitch,—so we do not need racks on the table; there are no staterooms anywhere near,—so you eat in peace & hear [ s ] no nasty sounds of vomiting in your vicinity. When we passed the Batavia she was wildly rolling & plunging, but our ship was as steady as a prairie.1
The smoking room is prettily upholstered & lighted with big windows, & has six marble-top card-tables in it.
My port is so large that I can lie in my berth (on a delicious spring mattrass) & read, as if out of doors.
At night I can read with perfect ease (& all night long,) for a swinging lamp hangs above my head. I can lie there & pull a knob & a flood of clean water gushes into my wash-bowl. At any hour of the whole night I can turn over & touch an electrical bell & a steward comes in a moment. My comb & tooth brush lie always on a smooth, level [service] & the trifling motion of the ship never disturbs them. Wherever I place my shoes or any other article, there they remain.
The ship & the smoking room & ladies’ upper deck saloons are warmed by steam.
Our first day’s run (simply under [ sta steam]) was over 350 miles.
The hallways are wide & light & comfortable. The stairways are of elegant workmanship, & easy of ascent & descent. No danger of breaking one’s neck, & no need to take hold of the balusters. The ship is thoroughly well ordered, officered & served. The captain has commanded steamers more than 20 years & never lost one.
The library is large & singularly well selected.
It is a charming ship. The times slides by in comfort & satisfaction & I seem to enjoy every hour of it. I do so regret taking you in the Batavia, for this captain would have been just as kind to you & would have put the thousand resources of the ship at the service of yourself & the Modoc. Your journey would have been a hundred times pleasanter.2
Mr. & Mrs. Nobles of Elmira are on board.3 Methodist preacher. Very pleasant, companionable people they are—though when he gets to talking fine I suspect him of culling from old favorite sermons of his.
I love you, darling, & every day I grow more & more uneasy about you, for I have [left] you very short handed in nurse-help at a time when you cannot exert yourself without peril.4 I shall immediately telegraph to ask how you are when I reach Queenstown & shall look for an answer at Liverpool or London. Good-bye my darling.
Telegraphed you. Also wrote from N. Y., & also by the pilot.5
[in ink:] Mrs. Samℓ. L. Clemens | Forest street | Hartford | Conn. [in upper left corner:] America | [rule] [postmarked:] [queenstown] b no18 73 [and] [boston] dec 3 paid
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 473–475;
363, brief paraphrase.
Provenance:see Samossoud Collection in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
Liy Livy • Liyvy
skylights • sky-|lights
s • [partly formed]
service • [sic]
sta steam • staeam
left • [possibly ‘“left’]
queenstown • queenstow[n] [badly inked]
boston • [bn] [badly inked]