Hartf Elmira, 13th
My Dear Warner:
There was no use for “about 600 pages” in the contract, & the putting them there was foolish surplusage. I want Bliss to take them out. That will leave it that we contract to furnish to him the MS of a book called the Gilded Age—& that is entirely sufficient. There never was [ n ]any sense in sticking in that stupid reference to the number of pages. Don’t you If you suggest the [ aut ]alteration while the MS. is still in your hands there won’t be any trouble or anything disagreeable.1
The baby was sick & kept us up all ‸awake seven-tenths of the‸ night—seems better today. Livy rusty—I too.
Ys in haste (of packing up)
Samℓ. L. Clemens
‸Care Geo. Routledge & Sons
Ludgate Hill
London, E. C.‸
Never mind Lackland. In his prosperity—then in his adversity—& finally in his lunatic death in a house of d by the side of the corpse of his only friend—he is perhaps better suited to the stage than a book.2
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 365–366.
Provenance:The Honeyman Collection was donated to PBL in March 1957.
Emendations and textual notes:
n • [partly formed]
aut • [‘t’ partly formed]