17 April 1873 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS facsimile: New York Graphic, 22 Apr 73, UCCL 00901)
. . . .
Hartford, Apl. 17.
Ed. Graphic:1
Your note is received. If the following two lines which I have cut from it are your h natural hand-writing, then I understand you to ask me
“for a farewell letter
in the name of the American
people.” 2 Bless you, the joy of the American people is just a little premature; I haven’t gone yet. And what is more, I am not going to stay, when I do go.
Yes, it is too true. I am only going to remain beyond the seas six months—that is all. I love stir & excitement; & so the moment the spring birds begin to sing, the zephyrs to sigh, the flowers to bloom, & the stagnation, the pensive melancholy, the lagging weariness of summer to threaten, I grow restless, I get the fidgets; I want to pack off somewhere where there’s something going on. But you know how that is—you must have felt that way. This very day I saw the signs in the air of the coming dulness, & I said to myself, “How glad I am that I have already chartered the steamer Batavia ‸a steamship‸ to tow me & my party over on my life-raft.”3 There was absolutely nothing in the morning papers. You can see for yourself what the [ tell telegraphic ]headings were:
A Colored Congressman in Trouble.
Excitement at Albany.
Five Years Imprisonment.
Wall Street Panicky.
Two Failures and Money at 150 Per Cent.
Two Criminal Cases.
Arrested for Highway Robbery.
The Assault on the Gas Collector.
A Striker Held for Murder in the Second Degree.
The Murderer King Dangerously Sick.
Lusignani, the Wife Murderer, to be Hung.
Two would-be Murderers to be Hung.
Incendiarism in a Baptist Flock.
A Fatal Mistake.
Washing Away of a Railroad.
Ku-Klux Murders.
a shocking disaster.
A Chimney Falls and Buries Five Children—Two of them Already Dead.
The Modoc Massacre.
riddle’s warning .
A Father Killed By His Son.
A Bloody Fight in Kentucky.
An Eight-Year Old Murderer.
A Grave-Yard Floating Off.
a louisiana massacre.
A Court House Fired, and Negroes Therein Shot While Escaping.
Two to Three Hundred Men Roasted Alive!
A Lively Skirmish in Indiana.
a town in a state of general riot.
a party of miners besieged in a boarding house.
troops and police from indianapolis asked for.
bloody work expected.
Furious Amazon Leaders.
a negro’s outrage.
a suffering and murdered woman terribly avenged.
A Man 24 Hours Burning, and Carved Piece-meal.
The items under those headings all bear date yesterday, Apl. 16 ‸(refer to your own paper,)‸ 4 —I & I give you my word of honor that that string of [commonplace ] stuff was everything there was in the telegraphic columns that a body could call news. Well, said I to myself, this is getting pretty dull; this is getting pretty dry; there don’t appear to be anything going on anywhere; has this progressive nation gone to sleep? Have I got to stand another month of this torpidity before I can begin to browse among the lively capitals of Europe?
‸But never mind—things may revive while I am away.‸
During the last two months my next-door neighbor, Chas. Dudley Warner, has dropped his “Back-Log Studies,”5 & he & I have written a bulky novel in partnership. He has worked up the fiction & I have shoveled ‸hurled‸ in the facts. I consider it one of the most astonishing novels that ever was written. Night after night I sit up reading it over & over again & crying. It will be published early in the fall, with plenty of pictures. Do you consider this an advertisement?—& if so, do you charge for such things, when a man is your friend & is an orphan?
Drooping, now, under the solemn peacefulness, the general stagnation, the profound lethargy that broods over the land, I am
Ys Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens
‸Mark Twain.‸
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 341–344; MTL, 1:204–5, with omissions; Johnson, 20–22.
Emendations and textual notes:
tell telegraphic • tellegraphic [canceled ‘l’ partly formed]
commonplace • common-|place