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Add to My Citations To Elisha Bliss, Jr.
26 March 1873 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 00890)
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Friend Bliss—

I leave in the morning (IF nothing happens to prevent) for the West, to be gone until I sail for Europe, middle of May—but shall finish the book before I sail.1

And now I am reminded, &c, &c. See enclosed letter. Old California acquaintance. They never die, & they all write books on Californian geology, geography, & Indianology & enlarge upon everything except the main chief product of that country which is Damphoology. And they all run to me to find a publisher for them.

Please tell this man—well tell him anything you please. I have just written him a note & told him where to find you.




[letter docketed by Bliss:] Came with Wm Gouverneur Morris letter2 [and in unidentified hand:] check mark [and] S. L. Clemens 1873 | Mar 26th

Explanatory Notes

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1 Clemens was planning a trip to Elmira, which he postponed. By the time he left Hartford, on 8 May, he had finished The Gilded Age (12 May 73 to Redpath, n. 1).

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2 The enclosed letter from William Gouverneur Morris (1832–84) is not known to survive, and no information has been found about his acquaintance with Clemens. Although Morris never published a book, he won a prize from the Mechanics’ Institute of San Francisco for “An Essay on the Manufacturing Interests of California,” published in 1872. A native of New York, Morris earned a law degree at Howard University in 1855 and soon thereafter went to California. During the Civil War he served in the Second Regiment of California Cavalry, and since 1869 had been U.S. marshal for the District of California (Menefee, 141–44; “Oregon,” Sacramento Union, 18 Feb 84, 2).

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
MS, Mark Twain Papers, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley (CU-MARK).

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L5, 322–323.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphsee Mendoza Collection in Description of Provenance.