Friend Bliss—
I leave in the morning (IF nothing happens to prevent) for the West, to be gone until I sail for Europe, middle of May—but shall finish the book before I sail.1
And now I am reminded, &c, &c. See enclosed letter. Old California acquaintance. They never die, & they all write books on Californian geology, geography, & Indianology & enlarge upon everything except the main chief product of that country which is Damphoology. And they all run to me to find a publisher for them.
Please tell this man—well tell him anything you please. I have just written him a note & told him where to find you.
[letter docketed by Bliss:] Came with Wm Gouverneur Morris letter2 [and in unidentified hand:] [and] S. L. Clemens 1873 | Mar 26th
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 322–323.
Provenance:see Mendoza Collection in Description of Provenance.