Hartfd, Mch. 4/73
Friend Bliss—
Statement rec’d for quarter ending Mch 1, & check for $1,656.69 for royalties on Innocents Abroad & Roughing It.
So Roughing It sells less than twice as many in a quarter as Innocents, a book which is getting gray with age.1 The fault is mainly in the engravings & paper, I think.2 —That, & the original lack of publicity. I believe I have learned, now, that if one don’t secure publicity & notoriety for a book the instant it is issued, no amount of hard work & faithful advertising can accomplish it later on. When we look at what Roughing It sold in the first 3 & 6 months, we naturally argue that it would have sold from full 3 times as many if it had gotten the prompt & early journalistic boost & notoriety that the Innocents had.3
Recognizing the importance, now, of this early prompt notoriety (which I was afraid of & didn’t want until we were dead sure of 50,000 subscriptions to R. I.—but which I am not afraid of now,) I have conceived a plan which [ wh will] advertise the next book from Maine to the Marquesas ‸free of expense‸ before the proofsheets are all read. But I’ll fix that, myself.
Now Nast appears to be doing nothing in particular. I want him, solitary & alone, to illustrate [ the this] next book, it being an essentially American book, & he will enjoy doing it. Nast only has just one first-class talent ‸(caricature,)‸ & no more ‸(caricature)‸ —but this book will exercise that talent, I think. I think he will be glad to do this work below his usual terms. If you say so I will write him. Tell me what you think, & tell me about the total amount you think it best to put in the drawing of the illustrations.4
I wish you would say nothing about an a new book from me for the spring (or rather next fall) issue, because as soon as I can get some more stock at easy figures, I want it. I want to be a Director, also.5
How [many] copies have been sold of Innocents? And how many of R. I.? Get it from the official figures.6
[letter docketed:] [and] S. L. Clemens | Mar. 4/73
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 308–310; MTLP, 74–75.
Provenance:deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 17 December 1963.
Emendations and textual notes:
wh will • whill [‘h’ partly formed]
the this • theis