‸For Miss Louise Conrad.1~
With the kindest regards of‸
‸ “Mark Twain.” ‸
Some rainy afternoon, get out the pasteboard box you keep your scraps in, & look over your collection. This will occupy some hours. Next day, buy a handsome folio scrap-book, with leaves of all shades & varieties of color—also get a bottle of mucilage. & Now work an hour & cover two or three pages with choice selections; & then be called suddenly away. After a day or two, prepare to resume. You will now find that the pages are hopelessly warped; ‸that‸ the mucilage has soaked through & made the print almost illegible, & that colored leaves are a hateful thing in a scrapbook.2
Now buy a new whi book, with pure white, stiff leaves—& get one ounce of good gum [tragicanth]. Leave a dozen flakes of the gum soaking in a gill of water over night; in the morning, if the gum is too thick & stiff, add water, but precious little of it, for the paste should not be thin. Paste in a page or two of scraps, & then iron them dry & smoothe, or else leave the book under pressure.
You will be satisfied with your work this [time. Now] work labor with enthusiasm for three days, heaving in poetry, theology, jokes, obituaries, politics, tales, recipes for pies, poultices, puddings,—shovel them in helter-skelter, & every-which-way, first-come-first-served—but get them in. During the next few days, cool down a little; during the next few, cool down altogether & quit.
While the next six months drift by, cut out scraps occasionally & throw them loosely in between the leaves of the scrap-book, & say to yourself that some day you will paste them. Meantime, mislay your gum tragicanth & lose your brush.
By & by that scrapbook will begin to reproach you every time your eye falls upon it; it will accuse you, it will deride your indolence; it will get to intruding itself with studied & offensive frequency & persistence; it will rob you of your peace by day & your rest by night. It will haunt your very dreams, & say: “Look at me & the condition I am in.”
And at last that day will come which is inevitable in the history of all scrap-books—you will carry it up to the grave-yard of musty, dusty, discarded & forgotten literature in the garret; & when next you see it you will be old, & sad, & scarred with the battle of life, & will say, “Ah, well-a-day, it is but the type of all the hopeful efforts & high ambitions of the morning & the noontide of my pilgrimage—each so gallantly begun, & each in turn so quickly humbled & broken & vanquished!”
Yr friend,
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Hartford, March 1873.3
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Your letter was a real treasure, and Mr. Clemmens’ contribution to my scrap-book an exquisite
tribute, for which I am a thousand times grateful. I esteem it a high honor that his signature should adorn my book, and
his beautiful composition places it with my choicest jems. (CU-MARK)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 303–304.
Provenance:see Appert Collection in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
RECIPE ... PA PLAN • Recipe for Making a Scrapbook upon the Customary Palan [underscored with three short lines like a literary title]
tragicanth • [sic; also at 303.32]
time. Now • time.— |Now.