26 November 1872 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: NPV, UCCL 00835)
Hartford Nov 26. 1872.
Dear Folks,
I will write only a note to say Sam has arrived safely and in good health after being gone three months & a week; and of passing through the most [ terriffic ] S[t]orm of a week—and just before reaching Hartford of a narrow escape of a car wreck as there were ties fastened on the track in two places. 1 Give thanks for his safe delivery at home Mrs Langdon leaves Friday; and we expect to get away next week.
Sam brought an English gentleman with him for the night and has just carried him to the train. Mr Wood is on his way to New Zealand. 2 Had a [Fejeee] Islander with him as servant. Sam says Livy shall not cross Mrs Hookers threshold and if he talks to Mrs H he will tell her in plain words the reason. 3
Mrs Geo Warner is within three weeks of confinement and Sunday was taken with something like apoplexy, [s or] spasms—but today is a little better; so there is hope of her life. 4
Write us soon.
There is a great deal more I could say but I am taking “the epizootic” and my eyes and nose both run faster than my pen. 5
Love to all.
Affly M. E. C.
Dear Mother & Sister—Very glad to get home—& shall be glad to return to England in May. In London I bought a steam engine for Sammy’s Christmas present. Bought it second-hand & had it thoroughly repaired. Paid $80, gold, for it. It cost about [ $4 $140] when new. Sammy must learn how to run it before he blows himself up with it. He must contrive work for it to do, & hunt up all sorts of applications for its power. It is a very excellent little toy, & can be made to do a stout job of work. It will arrive from London before long, & go straight to Fredonia. I bought no other presents for anybody, because there are so many of us I didn’t know where to begin—& as Sammy can’t be allowed to read, I thought he ought to have some amusement.6
Love to you all.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
About three-quarters of a mile from the bridge the express train
coming south on the west track, about seven o’clock
Monday evening, met a pile of ties. The engineer saw them, and by
his presence of mind and the Westinghouse brake was able to stop the
train before the crash so that no damage was done. (“A
Villain’s Work,” Hartford Courant, 27 Nov 72, 2) The attempt on Clemens’s train, and similar attempts on three
later trains the same evening (one of which was derailed), were the work
of an “insolently drunk” man who was ejected from
a train for refusing to pay sufficient fare (“A
Villain’s Work,” Hartford Courant, 27 Nov 72, 2; “From Europe,”
Boston Evening Transcript, 25 Nov 72, 4).
Dear Fellow Traveller of 35 years ago. You will remember our voyage
in the “Batavia” from Liverpool to
Boston—our “battened down”
existance for two days during the storm, our games of Euchre to keep
up the spirits of the more dejected passengers, and our looking on
at the rescue of the survivors of the crew of the
“Charles Ward.” I was on my way out for a
cruise in the South Seas and you on our arrival at Boston, kindly
took me to your home at Hartford. I know you are much enjoyed, but I
shd like to call & see
you & press your hand once more. (3 July 1907, CU-MARK) In 1875 Wood described his travels in A Yachting Cruise
in the South Seas: “Early in November, 1872, I left
Liverpool by the Cunard line, and crossing the American continent by the
Great Pacific Railway, sailed from San Francisco for New Zealand,
calling at the Sandwich Islands.” He explained that he was
“induced to publish these few imperfect sketches of my last
cruise by the belief that any facts relating to the manners and customs
of these islanders, should not be allowed to perish” (C. F.
Wood, “Preface,” 1).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 229–232.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
terriffic • [sic]
Fejeee • Tejeee [crossbar omitted]
s or • s or or [‘s’ partly formed; corrected miswriting]
$4 $140 • $4140