12 July 1872 • New Saybrook, Conn.
(MS: Ct, UCCL 00768)
Fenwick Hall,
Saybrook Pt. July 12.
A friend of mine who is connected with an insignificant foreign government, officially, writes me to call upon you & “inquire the cost of a [Gattling ] gun complete, including duplicates of certain portions necessary (in a country where reparirs will be impossible,) & 25,000 rounds of ammunition comprising the different cartridges used.”1
As I shall probably not return home to Hartford till the warm weather is over, I have thought it best to make this inquiry through the mail. An early reply will greatly oblige—
Ys Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 118–119; Davis 1951.
Provenance:The MS was in the Colt company museum as late as 1951; it was donated to
Ct sometime between 1951 and 1976.
Emendations and textual notes:
Gattling • [sic]