This is from my sister, [Mrs. ] P.A. Moffett. Will you attend to it, Frank.?
The former bill was $4.15. How was that?
p. a. moffett.
Fredonia July 8./72.
My dear Brother:
Sammy succeeded in getting only three subscribers before he left home. It seems the Dunkirk agent did canvass this village but not very thoroughly, so there is still a chance for Sammy. He thinks he can get more names when he comes back. I rec’d a letter from Mrs. Beecher to-day, telling me of his safe arrival Saturday morning about six o’clock. 1
He filled up one of the publisher’s blanks before he left and intended writing to them himself but was so busy celebrating the 4th he could not find time. I thought I would bother you this time and next time he could write directly to them. I cannot send the money because I do not know how much will be deducted from the regular price of the books. I suppose they will be willing to collect from the express company as they did before. 2
I wish you and Livy would write and let us know how 3
. . . .
I have a cold in my head. Ma and Annie are as well as usual.
[letter docketed:] S. Clemens | July 8th 72.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 114–115.
Provenance:donated to MoPeS before 1955 by Estelle
Emendations and textual notes:
Mrs. • Mrs[] [obscured by inkblot]