george routledge & sons, publishers,
booksellers, and importers, 416 broome
street, corner of elm street .
new york, 187
Hartford, Conn, July 10th 1872
Received from Messrs George Routledge and Sons of London by the hands of their American Agent Joseph L. Blamire of 416 Broome street, New York, the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars in payment for a copy of my book “Innocents Abroad” with revisions, additions, and preface (or prefaces) made by me for them at their request for republication of said book in London. 1 And I do hereby sell to said George Routledge and Sons all right and title to said additions, revisions, preface or prefaces for republication in London, England; but this payment carries with it no privilege or right whatsoever for the importation or sale of said book into or within the United States of America, nor does it prevent me from using the said revisions, additions, or prefaces in the United States of America should I at any time desire to use the same in my American Edition of said Book. 2
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Fenwick Hall, Saybrook Pt, July 10.3
Joseph L. Blamire Esq
Dr Sir: Am spending the summer at this quiet a watering place, & am not feeling a bit industrious; but I like your suggestion so much that I mean to write the other preface at the very earliest feasible moment—& I thank you for it, too.4
Ys Truly
Samℓ L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 116–17; Grenander 1975, 1.
Provenance:Blamire presumably forwarded the MS to the Routledges in London.