Elmira, Mch. 20/72
Friend Bliss—
The more I think over our last [ t ] Tuesday’s1 talk about my copyright or royalty, the better I am satisfied. But I was troubled a good deal, when I went there, for I had worried myself pretty well into the impression that I was getting a smaller ratio of this book’s profits than I had ‸the spirit of our contract had authorized me to‸ promised myself; indeed, I was so nearly convinced of it that if I had not known you so well, or if you had not been so patient & good tempered with my wool-gatherings & perplexities, & taken the pains to show me by facts & figures & arguments that my present royalty gives ‸me‸ fully half & possibly even more than half the net profits of the book, I would probably have come to the settled conviction that such was not the case, & then I should have [been] about as dissatisfied. a man as could be found in the country. I think few men could have convinced me that I am getting full half the profits, in the state of mind I then was, but you have done it, & I am glad of it, for after our long & pleasant intercourse, & the confidence that has existed between us, ‸I am glad you convinced me, for‸ I would have been sorry indeed to have come away ‸from your house‸ feeling that I had put such entire trust & confidence in you & the company to finally lose by it. And I am glad that you convinced me by good solid arguments & figures instead of mere plausible generalities, for that was just & business-like, & a conviction grounded in that way is satisfying & permanent. So ‸But‸ everything is plain & open, now. I knew I was entitled to half the profits, & you will not blame me for coming frankly forward & consulting you when I felt a little unsure about it. And after thinking it over, & I feel that, the result being the same, you will not mind ‸readily assent to the‸ altering the ‸of our‸ contract in such a way that it shall express that I am to receive half the profits.2 I am sorry the idea occurs to me so late, but that, of course, is of no real [consequence. Any] friend of mine can represent me in the matter. Twichell ‸Charley Warner‸ will do as well as another.3 Let Twichell attend to it. However, I suppose he has his hands about full; & perhaps he isn’t much experienced in this sort of thing. Then let Charles Perkins do it. Contracts are in his line, at any rate. It is too [complicated] for anybody but a lawyer to handle, anyhow; I could not even conduct it myself. I will write him. ‸ask him to do it.‸
‸See page 6.‸ 4
I am at last easy & comfortable about the new book. I have sufficient testimony, derived through many people’s statements to my friends, to about satisfy me that the general verdict gives “Roughing It” the preference over “Innocents Abroad.” This is rather gratifying than otherwise. The [ reason ] given is, that they like a book about America because they understand it better. It is pleasant to believe this, because it isn’t a great deal of trouble to write books about one’s own country. Miss Anna Dickinson says the book is unprecedentedly popular—a strong term, but I believe that was it.5
We are all well & flourishing—all four of us.6
(Request added to send [ 25 23]½ [ morr moroccos] to friends of mine named.)7
[on back as folded:]½ profit letter to Bliss.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
I came to the conclusion that an assertion of Bliss’s
which had induced me to submit to a lower royalty than I had at
first demanded, was an untruth. I was going to law about it; but
after my lawyer (an old personal friend & the best lawyer
in Hartford) [Charles Perkins] had heard me through, he
remarked that Bliss’s assertion being only verbal
& not a part of a written understanding, my case was
weak—so he advised me to leave the law
alone——& charged me $250
for it. (8 Apr 75, NBuU-PO, in MTLP, 86) The present letter was an attempt to force Bliss to follow the logic of
his own “facts & figures &
arguments” and to amend the contract to state explicitly that
Clemens was entitled to half the profit on the book. Such a revision
would give Clemens grounds for a lawsuit if he could also prove that
Bliss had overstated his manufacturing costs. Bliss evidently declined
to amend the contract. Clemens decided to sue anyway, but dropped his
suit long before it ever reached court, probably by late June. His sense
of grievance persisted, however, and in 1906 he claimed that
7½ percent “hardly represented a sixth of the
profits” (AD, 23 May 1906, CU-MARK, in MTE, 155; 15 May 72 to OC and MEC; 11 June 72 to Sutro,
n. 1; RI 1993, 807–8, 878–81).
At Elmira I had a delightful time, as always,
with my friends the Langdons.—Mrs. L. sent her love to
thee & her hope that thee would yet come to see
her.— What a gap his death has
made in the house!— She was telling me of Frederick
Douglass coming into the house,—taking her hand,
& then the tears so choking & blinding him, as
to make him drop her hand & go out to the streets. “Thirty years ago” said
he, “when it was an invitation to the incendiary, your
husband took me home, sick, nursed, & cared for,
& tended me as a Mother, & now it is his son
who invites me, in days when hospitality yet costs something to
give.” And certainly it does. Mrs. L. told me that three of her girls refused to wait at the
table, & of course got their congee, & when
Frederick was leaving [he] asked Charlie to go with him
to the hotel.—He stayed one night, & the next
was to leave at 4 in the morning, & so did not wish to
disturb them, & would go to the little hotel at the
Depot, —as Charlie was bidding him good-by &
was driving off, Frederick put his hand on his arm, &
said “Will you please come in with me.”
“Of course,” said Charlie, I went,
“& found that if I hadn’t the
wretched little rat who keeps the hotel would have said no to him. Fortunately he’s in my
debt & had to mind his P’s &
Q’s.” Pretty state of affairs in this day, generation
& region. (Anna Dickinson to Mary E. Dickinson, 30 Mar
72, Anna E. Dickinson Papers, DLC)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 65–68; MTLP, 70–71, with omissions.
Provenance:see Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
t • [partly formed]
been • [‘be’ canceled, then restored]
consequence. Any • consequence.— | Any
complicated • c[] | plicated [obscured by inkblot]
reason • rea-|son
25 23 • 253 [‘5’ partly formed; possibly malformed ‘3’]
morr moroccos • morroccos