Steubenville, Jan. 9.
Livy Darling, I am stopping at the Female Seminary—70 of the girls were at the lecture last night, & a mighty handsome lot they were.1
These windows overlook the Ohio—once alive with [steamboats ] & crowded with all manner of traffic; but now a deserted stream, victim of the railroads. Where be the pilots. They were starchy boys, in my time, & greatly envied by the youth of the West. The same with the Mississippi pilots—though the Mobile & Ohio [Railroad ] had already walked suddenly off with the passenger business in my day, & so it was the beginning of the end.2
I am reading “The Member from Paris” a very bright, sharp, able French political novel, very happily translated. It is all so good & so Frenchy that I don’t know where to mark.3 I have read & sent home The Golden Legend, The New England Tragedies, Edwin of Deira, Erling the Bold, & a novel by the author of John Halifax—forgotten the name of it.4
Did my canvassing book, full of lecture MSS reach you from Paris? You do not mention it.5
There is no life in me this morning—have slept too long & hard. Love to all those dear fellows under the roof, & cords & cords of love to you, Livy my darling.
Mrs. Samℓ. L. Clemens | Cor. Forest & Hawthorne sts | [Hartford ] | Conn. [return address:] if not delivered within 10 days, to be returned to [postmarked:] steubenville o. jan 11
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
First, the new railroad stretching up through Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky, to Northern railway centres,
began to divert the passenger travel from the steamers; next the war came and almost entirely annihilated the steamboating industry
during several years ...; and finally, the railroads intruding everywhere, there was little for steamers to do, when the war was
over, but carry freights; so straightway some genius from the Atlantic coast introduced the plan of towing a dozen steamer cargoes
down to New Orleans at the tail of a vulgar little tug-boat; and behold, in the twinkling of an eye, as it were, the association and
the noble science of piloting were things of the dead and pathetic past! (SLC
1883, 191–92)
Olivia mentioned lawyer Charles E. Perkins and his wife, Lucy, who lived on Woodland Street, just beyond the Nook
Farm neighborhood (30 L3, 294 n. 4; (Geer 1872, 108; (Van Why, 7). For the book given to the “Syracuse City Missionary,” James P. Foster, see
L4, 507–8 n. 3.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 15–17; LLMT, 172–73.
Provenance:see Samossoud Collection in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
steamboats • steam-|boats
Railroad • Rail-|road
Hartford • Hartfodrd