per Telegraph Operator
8 December 1871 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(MS, copy received: ODaU, UCCL 00687)
456 [the western union telegraph company]. 39dated Buffalo NY Depot 81 1871 received at 1.30Dec 8 to Redpath & Fall 36 Bromfield Notify all hands that Ffrom this date I shall talk nothing but selections from my forth-coming book Roughing it, tried it last night suits me tip top 2Samℓ. L. Clemens 27 PaidJ. P. |
[letter docketed:] boston lyceum bureau. redpath & fall. dec 8 1871 [and] Clemens Sam’l L. | Hartford—.Conn | Dec. 8th ”71.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 511–512; Will M. Clemens 1900, 28; John Anderson, Jr., 1903, lot 49, excerpt; Anderson Auction Company 1910, lot 180; MTL, 1:193; AAA 1925, lot 108, excerpt; Hornor, 170; “Letters to
James Redpath,” Mark Twain Quarterly 5
(Winter–Spring 1942): 20, excerpt.
Emendations and textual notes:
the . . . company. • [words on telegram blank identical to those reported in the commentary for 7 Nov 70 to Langdon]