‸Washington, Tuesday.‸
(The only hotel in this town.) {Willard’s—O, my!—seventh-rate [ hash-house ].}1
Dear Red—
I have come square out, thrown “r Reminiscences” overboard & taken “Artemus Ward, Humorist,” for my subject. Wrote it here on Friday & Saturday, & read it from MSS2 last night to enormous house. It suits me, & so I’ll never deliver the nasty, nauseous “Reminiscences” any more.3
Please give make appointments for me at Red Reading & Easton Pa (between 5th & 10th of Feb., or sooner if it interferes with nothing,) for I am to talk for them for nothing—I threw them off, you know—telegram saying my folks were sick4 —(it came just in the nick of time, I may say, for I wanted to go to Washington & write a new lecture—which I’ve done it.
[on the back of page 1:] 5
Slow Railroad.
cowcatcher on wrong ‸end‸ 6
heated journal.
—prisoners time expired fore they got there 7
Courting scene—56—Book 1. 8
$10 in Jeff’s pocket 9
188–9–90. Soldier Co 10
Besides, it improves a comic paper to put in a joke once in a while 11
poetry—200 12
[on the back of page 2:]
erence in his nature” (He was full of sentiment—but dared not express (voice) it lest he be thought spooney.)—61-1 13
14—Source of his gift 14
L. L. 15 great success,
—biggest he ever had.
17–16—English who “couldn’t see” the fun.
17—Last hours.
(On the nip—horse attached to a wagon. 16
Self-reliant. 17
[letter docketed:] boston lyceum bureau. redpath & fall. oct 27 1871 [and] “Twain Mark” | Wash. D. C. | Oct. ”71. 18
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Well, Willard’s hotel has been dismantled, tore up,
vacated. It is left to its own vile smells, its rats, its bed bugs,
its intrigues, its amours, its damnation. . . . If there is any one who has ever stopped at Willard’s,
under the proprietorship of Sykes & Chadwick, who is not
glad that the hell-hole is shut up, I shall be glad to be furnished
with his name. (Ramsdell 1871) Willard’s disappeared from the Washington directory in 1872,
reappeared in 1873, and was able to advertise itself in the 1874
directory as the largest hotel in the city, “REHABILITATED
and refitted throughout in the most elegant manner. . . . bedding,
upholstery, furniture and equipment are entirely new, . . . costing over
$200,000” (Boyd: 1873, 49; 1874, 121).
5 90
of those quaint ferocities which poor Artemus used to put in
his programmes—something like this, you remember—“N. B. Audiences declining ‸
‸ to retire ‸from the hall‸ when the lecture is
done, will be put out
‸dispersed‸ by the police.” G. N.
He left a good deal of pr money, but as far as we
can learn, no good came
90. In his will he advised his page to become a printer, believing that the best way to acquire a good practical education—&
he left his library to the best boy in his native village. He left a good deal of money, but as o far as we can
learn, no good came of it. He appointed too many executors,
& there wasn’t enough to go round, perhaps. Thanking you very kindly for your attention, & for your
presence here likewise, I will close this lecture with—
——well, I’ll tell it. (SLC 1871) The eccentric will drawn up by Artemus Ward (Charles
Farrar Browne) in fact provided first that the library of books bequeathed
him by his uncle, Calvin Farrar, should be given the Waterford
[Maine] boy or girl who passed the best school
examination between the first day of January and that of April
following his decease. . . . Second, that George H. Stephens, his
personal attendant, should work as a printer’s apprentice
for two years in the Riverside Press at Cambridge, at the end of
which time, if his record was good, he was to be sent to the Academy
at North Bridgton, . . . the estate to pay the cost of his
education. (Seitz, 220–21) Two trustees were appointed, as well as four literary
executors, in England and America. The residue of Browne’s
estate, after various bequests, was to go toward the founding of
“an asylum for worn-out printers in the United
States,” at the direction of Horace Greeley (Seitz, 220–21).
from Waterford to Portland on the Grand Trunk,
then and now a rather deliberate railroad, Artemus was annoyed
at the slow progress, and, hailing the conductor, said: “Dear friend, it is plain from the speed of this train
that it could never catch a cow if one chanced to travel on the
track in front of it. Therefore, the cow-catcher is a useless
protection where it is. But there is nothing to prevent a cow
from catching up with us in case she should choose to follow. I
beseech you, therefore, to remove the cow-catcher from the
locomotive and place it on the rear car and so save us from
disaster!” (Seitz,
172–73) Clemens used the story in his lecture, but sharpened
the punch line: “‘You
can’t,’ said he, ‘overtake a cow,
but what’s to hinder one walking in the back door and
biting the passengers’” (“Artemus
Ward. By Mark Twain,” Gold Hill
{Nev.} News, 8 Dec 71,
2, reprinting unidentified paper; Fatout 1976, 44). In 1874 he used an
abbreviated version of it—with appropriate illustrations
and without attributing it to Ward—in chapter 43 of The Gilded Age (Pullen, 90–91).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 478–482; excerpts in Bangs, lot 81; Will M. Clemens 1900, 28; MTL, 1:193; Horner, 169–70; “Letters to James
Redpath,” Mark Twain Quarterly 5
(Winter–Spring 1942): 20; and Chester L. Davis 1978, 3.
Emendations and textual notes:
hash-house • hash-hashouse
MARK. • [capitals simulated, not underscored]
1 • [possibly ‘7’]