St Nich Oct. 14.1
We played billiards with Ed Marsh2 last night & then took him to see Humpty Dumpty with us—he & Charley had been there before. The thing we went to see was a cat-song, by a Swede & his wife3—a performance worth twice the admission fee; there is [little else] t about the show that is worth a great deal. The cat song is very pretty, notwithstanding it is all miawing & yowling. The air is minor & charming.
Two children rode velocipedes wonderfully well. One of the children was not larger than Lang, & yet performed finely.4
Charley has got the news. J. Langdon & Co lose $50,000, sure enough;5 John Law loses $130,000—cries & wrings his hands when he talks of it.6
Charley left for home a few minutes ago—9 AM.
Well, I do wish I could see you, now, Livy dear, & the splendid cubbie.
[in ink:] Mrs. Samℓ. L. Clemens | cor. Forest & Hawthorn st | Hartford | Conn [return address:] if not delivered within 10 days, to be returned to [postmarked:] mailedst. nicholas hotel, n.y. oct 14 1871 [and] new york oct 141.30 pm | [in OLC’s hand:]
[ 400 | 600] | 231 | 600 |
231 | 231 | 150 | 381 |
[ 169 | 369] | 381 | 219 |
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 469–470; LLMT, 361, brief paraphrase.
Provenance:see Samossoud Collection in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
little else • littlee else [false start; deletion implied]
400 600 • 4 600
169 369 • 1 369