j. langdon,office of j. langdon & co. miners and dealers in
j. d. f. slee,anthracite and bituminous coals. 6 baldwin st.
t. w. crane,
c. j. langdon.elmira, n.y., Sept. 28 18711
Dear Lant—2
Thank you kindly for the picture of the baby. But it seems to me you did not economise material to the best advantage: there is meat enough in this youngster for twins. You could get your family finished a good deal sooner if you would use more judgment. I wish I could send you a picture of our baby, but I cannot, for the reason that they are all gone.
With the best wishes for you & yours——
Yr friend
S. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes
I have your strikingly philosophical letter to me of September
28, 1871, which remains undiminished in esteem, and indeed, in
fact unpublished, which it provokingly deserved to be then and
at least twice a year since. But you have forgotten this and the bunch of
a printer who never ceased to adore you from that day to this.
He is now in his 69th year and still
at the case with unabating joy, amid the racket of monotypes,
tinotypes, casting machines and the musical racket of presses on
a floor below. (25 Dec 1909, CU-MARK; see also 28 Nov 1869 to Lant)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 461.