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Add to My Citations To Adolph H. Sutro
19 August 1871 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: JIm, UCCL 00647)
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149 Asylum st.
em spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceHartford, Aug. 19.

Friend Sutro—

Got your letter [to-day]. When do you sail? Can’t you run up here for one day?1 I’m awful busy on my new book on Nevada & California. And by the way you might tell me something about the tunnel that would make an interesting page, perhaps.2 It was about another matter that I wanted to see you principally & very particularly,3 but one might as well kill various birds with one stone.

Riley is in England.—London.4


Sam. L. Clemens

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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1 Sutro’s letter has not been found. He arrived in New York on 22 August, and sailed for [England] eight days later. He was intent on securing European investors in his proposed tunnel to the mines of the Comstock lode (2 Dec 70 to Riley, n. 3; Adolph Sutro, 33–34; “Morning Arrivals,” New York Evening Express, 22 Aug 71, 3; “Prominent Arrivals,” New York Tribune, 23 Aug 71, 8).

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2 Clemens may have just completed a draft of chapter 52 of Roughing It, which described silver mines and mining techniques, and was considering adding a description of the Sutro tunnel (RI 1993, 354–60, 866–67; 29 Aug 71 to Sutro).

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3 Possibly Clemens wanted advice about John Henry Riley’s recommendation that a company be organized to bore wells in South Africa to facilitate diamond exploration and mining—an idea comparable in many ways to Sutro’s tunnel (“Personals,” Buffalo Express, 31 Aug 71, 2).

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4 Riley had returned from South Africa to London en route home. He had never informed Sutro of the specifics of his mission for Clemens (3 Mar 71 to Riley, n. 7).

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MS, Iwaki Meisei University, Iwaki City, Japan (JIm).

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L4, 447–448; Chester L. Davis 1949, 8.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphThe letter was sold by the Holmes Book Company, Oakland, probably in 1949; again in 1969 (and perhaps in 1972) by the Scriptorium, Los Angeles; and by 1976 it had been bought by Theodore H. Koundakjian, who sold it to JIm in 1987.

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to-day • to-|day

England.[deletion implied]