Hartford, Tuesday.
Aug. 8
Dear Redpath—
I am different from other women. They have their monthly period once a month, but I have mine once a week, & sometimes oftener. That is to say, my mind changes that often. People who have no mind, can easily be steadfast & firm; but when a man is loaded down to the guards with it, as I am, every heavy sea of foreboding, or inclination, or mayhap indolence, shifts his cargo. See?
Therefore, if you will notice, one week I am likely to give rigid instructions to confine me to New England; next week, send me to Arizonia;2 next week, withdraw my name; next week, give you untrameled swing—& the week following, modify [it. You ]must try to keep the run of my mind, Redpath—it is your business, being the agent—& it always was too many for me. It appears to me to be one of the most delicate finest pieces of mechanism I have ever met with. Now about the West. This week I am willing that you should retain all the western engagements you have made, & make as many more as will cluster well, pay high prices & not cost too hard travel.3
But what I shall want next week, is still with God.
Let us not profane the mysteries with soiled hands & prying eyes of sin.
P. S. Shall be here 2 weeks—will run up there when Nasby comes.4
[letter docketed:] Twain Mark | Hartford, Conn | Aug. 8 ’71 [and] 8/9.71
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 440–441; Will M. Clemens 1900, 28; MTL, 1:190; Horner, 168–69; “Letters to James
Redpath,” Mark Twain Quarterly 5
(Winter–Spring 1942): 20; all with omissions.
Provenance:donated to IC in 1976 by Mrs. Leon Mandel.
Emendations and textual notes:
it. You • it.—|You