Elmira June 11
Dear Mother—1
15) 525 (35
I saw Pamela
yesterday, & she seemed
to me about the same
she has been
all the time
since she came here. I
cannot discover that she
improves any great deal,
though I believe they2
to me to
like to
the cuts
the West,
in giving
contend that
she is really
& very steadily,
too. Sammy
apers, sc
& would
any des
looks a good deal bet-
ter, I fancy. It seems
to me that he looks
hearty, healthy
strong. I know
perfectly well that
some of that
phy” shown
be not un
your permi
in my
nervous twitching about
the muscles of the face has subsided.3 They have
moved into a room on the
first floor, & Pamela
it was nearly necessary, per
perhaps entirely so, that
she get on the lower
floor & save her strength
the tax of climbing the
Yesterday when
I was there she had just
received yours &
Annies letters a-
bout the debate
& the
“Dunk gents.”
We were glad indeed
that Annie acquitted
herself so well
received such cordial
praise. Where
the other side man-
aged to find ar-
convincing as or so
capable of able hand-
ling as to make
the negative of so
lame a question
win, is beyond my
They had not the ghost
of a
chance, I
thought. I half
incline to the
ry Truly
the umpire let spread-eagle
declamation run away with his
calm judgment. I sent these
letters to Orion, & also those
giving an account of the riot-
ous otous
proceedings of the
“Dunk roughs”—or was it
the “Dunk
the “Dunk gents?” Where is Dunk?5
I cannot find it on the map—
though ours s is an old map,
& has
many places left out & no
doubt this is one of them.
I am going
Your police
are doubtless like the po-
lice all
over the
a. n. kellogg, propr
I. E.
some illu
world—mean, lazy,
worthless, cowardly thieves.
acted, during & after your
riot, just as they would have
done in New York or any
city in America.6
I am going to start out in
October & lecture
as you may d
about 3 months or three
your consent, & w
& a half. My subject is:7
I shall be p
I expect to lecture first in New England 2 [months ]
& then skip to Chicago & lecture a month in the west.
I may possibly talk in Elmira, Buffalo, Cleve-
land & Cincinnati as
I go along. I think it is a
subject that will take—don’t you? I have
with several people about it, & they say it is the best [sub-
ject ] before the country to-day, & that if I can’t do it
justice I can’t do any subject justice.
Ma I will help
Orion with any machine
he wants help on. When I was there the other day, we
decided that it was
best for him to peg
on along on this one
just as he is
until I see how
my new book is
going to pan out.
So he is working
away just the same
as before.8
Ma, I think it
likely that some men
are so consti-
tuted that
ch May 27th 1871
they will, uncider cir-
cumstances of an
irregular nature,
manifest idiosyn-
crasies of an ir-
refragable & and
& latitudinarian
character, but oth-
erwise & differently
situated the reverse
is too often the case.
How does it strike you?
Yr Son
Mrs. Jane Clemens | Care Mrs. P. A. Moffett | Fredonia | N. Y. [postmarked:] elmira n.y. jun 12 [on the flap:] oll [in JLC’s hand:] Sams scrap letter | 1871
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 403–407; Chester L. Davis 1978, 2–3; Christie 1993, lot 23.
Provenance:The letter was returned to Clemens, presumably after the death of his mother or sister. It was among those letters
which, in the 1950s, Clara Clemens Samossoud gave or sold to Chester L. Davis, Sr. After his death in 1987, it
became part of the collection of Chester L. Davis, Jr. Purchased for CU-MARK in 1993 through the
Joseph Z. and Hatherly B. Todd Fund.
Emendations and textual notes:
N • [partly formed]
months • month[] [obscured by foxing]
sub-|ject • sub-| [je]ct [obscured by foxing]