Saml. L. Clemens
Buffalo, Feb. 17/71.
Miss Fannie Dennis:
To write an autograph is no trouble at all, when a body is used to it, but I never have tried to add a “sentiment” in my life, & so I assure you it comes awkward enough.1 Therefore, let us judge just dodge the difficulty entirely & make use of somebody else’s sentiment. Now I always admired that neat & snappy thing which good old John Bunyan said to the Duke of Wellington: “Give me liberty, or give me death!” [ It Isn’t ]it pretty?
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 334.
Provenance:The current location of the MS, owned in 1980 by James Pepper and in 1983 by
Axelrod, is not known.
Emendations and textual notes:
It Isn’t • Itsn’t
Truly • [possibly ‘Y Truly’; ‘Y’ partly formed]