Buffalo, Feb. 15/71.
Friend Bliss—
This is to acknowledge receipt of your check for $1,452.62—copyright on sales of Innocents Abroad for quarter ending Jan. 31. The sales keep up amazingly.1
Riley sailed finally from London Feb. 1. It is a thirty-day voyage. We I must have & will have [ T ]He had plenty of company—every ship goes full. He sends me London papers which reveal to me that we are all asleep over here. But I’ll see But that is all the better for me. I mean to print nothing — beforehand, but let the book be a booming surprise.2
Tell Orion that we cannot tell what the result is going to be. Sometimes I have hope for my wife,—so I have at this moment—but most of the time it seems to me impossible that she can get well. I cannot go into particulars—the subject is too dreadful. I thank him & Mollie for their kind offers.3
[letter docketed:] [and in ink:] Mark Twain | Feb 15/71
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 331–332; MTLP, 55–56.
Provenance:see Mendoza Collection in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
T • [partly formed]