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Add to My Citations To Olivia Lewis Langdon
19 November 1870 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(MS: CtHMTH, UCCL 00539)
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figure c

Buf. Nov. 19.

Dear Mother:

Thank you ever so much for the apples, Lang. says they are perfectly bully—& I endorse it & so does Livy.

Please tell Charley to send me a pair of those suspenders from Covell, Fay & Co.’s1 that require only 4 buttons,—2 on each side & two behind—send ’em [COD].

Now mother, you must hurry & get strong enough to be here on Thanksgiving Day2—& sooner if you can, for Livy is very lonely. She lets me go up to the study & work, (which I ought not to do & yet I am so dreadfully behind hand that I get blue as soon as I am idle)—I go up there & Livy sits lonely all day, for the room is dark & she cannot read—& [most ]of the time Mrs. Smith is out in the kitchen with the baby.

Got Hattie’s letter & soap.3 Thanks.

We will wait a while & if that letter to Grandma don’t come back to me I will copy & send it again. Could Charley ask the p Postmaster at Elmira to help trace it? I will drop the Buffalo P.M. a line. I sometimes misdirect letters, but I can almost swear that this was distinctly directed to “Mrs. Eunice Ford, Elmira, N. Y.4

Lovingly Yr son


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1 The Elmira haberdashery owned by Edward Covell and Cyrus W. Fay (Boyd and Boyd, 90).

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2 Thursday, 24 November.

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3 Possibly from Harriet Lewis (11 Nov 70 to Ford, n. 4).

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4 It is not known whether the surviving 11 November letter to Eunice Ford was Clemens’s original or a second copy.

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MS, Mark Twain House, Hartford (CtHMTH).

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L4, 242.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphdonated to CtHMTH in 1962 by Ida Langdon.

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COD • [capitals simulated, not underscored]

most • [mosty]