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Add to My Citations To Iretus G. Cardner
2 November 1870 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(MS: Fox, UCCL 00521)
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Buffalo, Nov. 2.

Dr J. G. Cardner
em spaceem spaceDear Sir:

Yours of 29th is to hand & all is right & pleasant except that the latter portion of it speaks as if you had not received the money I sent, viz., $31.50—consisting of a $20, a $10, a $1, & a 50c bill. How is [ the that]? Was not the money & your bill in my letter?1 And if not was

Please answer with all convenient dispatch.

Yrs Truly

S. L. Clemens

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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1 See 26 Oct 70 to Cardner.

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
MS, collection of Alan C. Fox.

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L4, 219; Fox, item 5, brief paraphrase.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphThe present location of the MS, owned by Alan C. Fox in 1980–81, is not known.

glyphglyphEmendations and textual notes:glyph

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